Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Here is my finished "creature", which just happens to be a boxer puppy <3.

I'll post process/sketches here shortly.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Artist A Day

I went and looked at and found an artist that caught my eye. Their name is Oscar Gimenez, and they are from Barcelona, Spain. To be all honest, the reason why I picked this artist because he was the first person who caught my eye while I was aimlessly clicking through the month and years on the website. So why not pick him if he was the first one who made me inquire more inside?

So, what originally caught my eye in the piece was the great usage of the color orange, and the really whimsical feeling behind the composition of the people and of the lava lamp like blobs behind them.

Hey there, my name is Hayley. I am currently enrolled at El Camino College, trying to complete all my classes to try and transfer out of here to a four year school.

Had a little bit of pratice in alot of fields of art such as digital, painting, ceramics, traditional 3d art, and also digital 3d art.

What I want to achieve from this class:
A passing grade. <3

Career goals:

To be have published comics, or to work in animation/video games.